Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Internet’s Impact on Intelligence

Internet makes us smarter…do you agree?

The general argument that linking intelligence to the Internet seems to go like this: Because of this huge online memory store, parts of our mind that would have been tied up in the dark days preceding the Web are freed to accomplish new tasks.

The web help us to accommodate all the data we need, we all know finding an answer is very simple as typing a keyword into a search engine, and this certainly alters our approach to any task that requires data we lack. Now, it is easy for us to acquire such knowledge, the web provides it for us, and we are more productive behind this lightened load.

Other characterizes the Web as an extension of our brains. Jamais Cascio, in his Atalntic article “Get Smarter” discusses the rise of computer and devices bestow “exocortical technology” that allows us to performed any task we never dreamed of. He stated: “As the digital systems we rely upon become faster, more sophisticated, and more capable, we’re becoming more sophisticated and capable too.” In his fascinating article he also discussed that in addition to computers, drugs will be developed that help us perform experimental task better.

But some people protesting that the Web’s sophisticated system, has pawned a certain amount of unpleasant things: paparazzi-fueled news, silly viral videos, a huge number of scams and sex scandals. While the Internet can be seen as a mechanism to help us achieve things, it also appears to be able to distract us, sell us things we don’t need, and lead us down fruitless paths as we seek information.

Other could argue that the Internet is still in its infancy, and guides will arise to point us in the right path. But one could also argue that powerful entities who picture out the medium as a piggy bank waiting to be broke into pieces don’t want that to happen.

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